What a wonderful piece Samantha, I loved it!

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This is a great article. Thank you for examining the hidden structure that supports the art world. When I give talks to emerging artists I always emphasise the essential fact that to be a successful artist (particularly a woman because...patriarchy) you need to surround yourself with people who build you up and support your artwork in practical ways. This support is manifested in the myriad, thankless, often unnoticed tasks of running a house, buying groceries, helping children with school assignments, cleaning boring things again and again. I have seen many promising artists give up their craft, unable to find creative energy beneath the overwhelming wave of running other's lives. And, I have observed many successful artists who are, in fact a partnership with one partner supporting the art through being the accountant, publicist, social manager and agent for the working artist. Having a "Wife" is an unacknowledged piece of many artist's success.

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